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Real Simple’s Smart Money award winner for #1 budgeting app.

Family Plan

Smart online banking for the entire family.

Not just a bank account for your family budget; Qube Family is a teacher, a money saver, an accountability partner and so much more. What are you waiting for?

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Card | Qube Money
Card | Qube Money
Smiling Family Member | Qube Money
Smiling Family Member | Qube Money
Smiling Family Member | Qube Money
Smiling Family Member | Qube Money
Family Running | Qube Money

Undivided, fun family budgeting.

Work together to keep a plan for your family income and build healthy money habits. Save for a family goal, easily share money and link qubes with family members, and keep an eye on spending. With your bank, your budget and your family all together in one place, it’s easy (and fun!) to stay on track and help each other bust a move, not your budget.

A debit card for kids.

The perfect balance of freedom and responsibility.

Kid Card | Qube Money
Kid Card | Qube Money
Kid Card | Qube Money
Kid Card | Qube Money

The best part? (Besides these fun designs!) Every card stays at a default $0 secured balance until you choose when and how to spend each dollar from your budget.

Kids Using Gadgets | Qube Money

Empower your children with money.

Give them a head start over personal finance with the time-tested cash envelope budgeting principles you trust and the latest technology they admire. Instantly transfer earnings for hard work with allowance or set up direct deposit. Teach smart planning and smart spending before the purchase. Review auto-tracking of money activity. Provide simple, real-life money lessons your children will thrive on.

Up to 5 Family Members.

When you sign up for the family plan, you can get up to 5 Teen, Kid, or Authorized Adult Cards. Give a card to a nanny, babysitter, or grandparent.

Get Started
Adding Family Members | Qube Money

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum age?
There's no minimum (or maximum!) age to add a kid or other authorized user to your Family account.
What information is required?
To add a child to your Family account, you'll need their date of birth and a unique email address. You may also add other adults such as adult children, grandparents and nannies, as well as minors who don't have their own phone number. Click here for the most up-to-date information on who you can add at this time.
Does my kid see my account and qubes?
Nope! Your kid and other authorized users will only see their own account and qubes. Qubes are not shared. You can switch views within the mobile app and web to see their qubes, but they won't be able to see yours.
How do I order cards for my kids?
Family plans start as low as $11.50 per month, which includes an account companion and up to 5 additional authorized users. Click here for the latest pricing and account features.

Read All Family FAQ articles

Family Features

Up to 5 Authorized Users

Add up to 5 authorized users, plus a companion, for a maximum of 7 total users on your Family account.

Kid/Teen Accounts (under 18)

Add children under 18 who have their own smartphone, mobile number, and email address. They will get their own account, debit card, and qubes.

Parent View

Switch views on the web or in the app to see your kid’s qubes, budget, and spending.

Authorized Adult Accounts

Add additional authorized users over the age of 18 to your Family account, including adult children, grandparents or even nannies! They all get their own account numbers, debit cards and qubes.

In-App Money Requests

Send and request money directly from another Qube user within the app.

Parent Permissions

Added control for parents lets you authorize or restrict the actions kids can take within their account.

Coming Soon

+ our Qube features

Default Zero Technology

Payday 2 Days Early

Subscription Control

Virtual Cards for Bills

Send to Friends

No Hidden or Overdraft Fees